Unveiling The Secrets And Influence Of The "Big Chief Wife"

Posted on 04 Mar 2024
Unveiling The Secrets And Influence Of The "Big Chief Wife"

"Big chief wife" is a term used to refer to the primary wife of a chief in various Native American cultures. Also known as a "head wife" or "first wife," she holds a position of great respect and authority within the tribe.

The big chief wife is often responsible for managing the chief's household, including overseeing the other wives, children, and slaves. She may also have a role inand decision-making. In some cultures, the big chief wife is also considered to be a spiritual leader.

The role of the big chief wife is an important one, and she is often seen as a symbol of the tribe's strength and unity. She is a respected figure who plays a vital role in the community.

Some of the most famous big chief wives include:

  • Nancy Ward, the big chief wife of the Cherokee
  • Pocahontas, the big chief wife of the Powhatan
  • Sacajawea, the big chief wife of the Shoshone

These women were all strong and influential leaders who played a significant role in their respective tribes.

Big Chief Wife

The term "big chief wife" is used to refer to the primary wife of a chief in various Native American cultures. Also known as a "head wife" or "first wife," she holds a position of great respect and authority within the tribe. Big chief wives are often responsible for managing the chief's household, including overseeing the other wives, children, and slaves. They may also have a role in political and decision-making. In some cultures, the big chief wife is also considered to be a spiritual leader.

  • Leadership
  • Management
  • Respect
  • Authority
  • Influence
  • Household
  • Politics
  • Decision-making
  • Spirituality
  • Symbolism

These key aspects highlight the importance and multifaceted role of the big chief wife in Native American cultures. They are leaders, managers, and respected figures who play a vital role in the community. They are also symbols of the tribe's strength and unity.

Some of the most famous big chief wives include:

Name Tribe Years Active
Nancy Ward Cherokee 1738-1822
Pocahontas Powhatan 1595-1617
Sacajawea Shoshone 1788-1812

These women were all strong and influential leaders who played a significant role in their respective tribes.


Leadership is a key aspect of the role of the big chief wife. As the primary wife of a chief, she is responsible for managing the chief's household, including overseeing the other wives, children, and slaves. She may also have a role in political and decision-making.

In some cultures, the big chief wife is also considered to be a spiritual leader. In all of these roles, the big chief wife must be able to lead and inspire others. She must be able to make decisions, solve problems, and motivate others to follow her.

There are many examples of big chief wives who have been great leaders. Nancy Ward, the big chief wife of the Cherokee, was a strong advocate for peace and diplomacy. Pocahontas, the big chief wife of the Powhatan, played a vital role in the survival of the Jamestown colony. Sacajawea, the big chief wife of the Shoshone, was a guide and interpreter for the Lewis and Clark Expedition.

These women were all strong and influential leaders who played a significant role in their respective tribes. They are examples of the important role that women can play in leadership positions.

The leadership of the big chief wife is essential to the success of the tribe. She is a role model for other women and a source of strength and stability for the community.


Management is a key aspect of the role of the big chief wife. As the primary wife of a chief, she is responsible for managing the chief's household, including overseeing the other wives, children, and slaves. She may also have a role in managing the tribe's resources and overseeing community projects.

  • Household Management

    The big chief wife is responsible for managing the chief's household, which can be a complex and demanding task. She must ensure that the household runs smoothly and that the chief and his family have everything they need. This includes managing the food supply, preparing meals, and overseeing the other wives and children.

  • Resource Management

    In some tribes, the big chief wife is also responsible for managing the tribe's resources. This can include overseeing the food supply, distributing goods, and managing the tribe's finances. She must ensure that the tribe has the resources it needs to survive and prosper.

  • Project Management

    The big chief wife may also be involved in overseeing community projects. This can include planning and organizing events, such as feasts and dances. She may also be involved in managing the construction of new buildings or the improvement of existing ones.

  • Conflict Resolution

    The big chief wife is often called upon to resolve conflicts within the tribe. She must be able to mediate disputes and find solutions that are fair to all parties involved. She must also be able to maintain peace and harmony within the community.

The management skills of the big chief wife are essential to the success of the tribe. She is a vital part of the chief's leadership team and plays a key role in ensuring that the tribe runs smoothly and efficiently.


Respect is a key aspect of the role of the big chief wife. As the primary wife of a chief, she is accorded a great deal of respect by both her husband and the tribe. This respect is due to her position, her leadership abilities, and her personal qualities.

  • Respect for Position

    The big chief wife is the most important woman in the tribe. She is the wife of the chief, and she is often seen as a symbol of the tribe's strength and unity. As such, she is accorded a great deal of respect by all members of the tribe.

  • Respect for Leadership

    The big chief wife is often a strong and capable leader. She is responsible for managing the chief's household, and she may also have a role in political and decision-making. Her leadership abilities earn her the respect of both her husband and the tribe.

  • Respect for Personal Qualities

    The big chief wife is often a woman of great character. She is intelligent, compassionate, and generous. Her personal qualities earn her the respect of both her husband and the tribe.

  • Respect for Symbolism

    The big chief wife is often seen as a symbol of the tribe's strength and unity. As such, she is accorded a great deal of respect by all members of the tribe.

The respect that the big chief wife receives is essential to her role. It allows her to lead effectively and to represent the tribe with dignity and honor.


Authority is a key aspect of the role of the big chief wife. As the primary wife of a chief, she is accorded a great deal of authority by both her husband and the tribe. This authority is due to her position, her leadership abilities, and her personal qualities.

  • Authority of Position

    The big chief wife is the most important woman in the tribe. She is the wife of the chief, and she is often seen as a symbol of the tribe's strength and unity. As such, she is accorded a great deal of authority by all members of the tribe.

  • Authority of Leadership

    The big chief wife is often a strong and capable leader. She is responsible for managing the chief's household, and she may also have a role in political and decision-making. Her leadership abilities earn her the authority of both her husband and the tribe.

  • Authority of Personal Qualities

    The big chief wife is often a woman of great character. She is intelligent, compassionate, and generous. Her personal qualities earn her the authority of both her husband and the tribe.

  • Authority of Symbolism

    The big chief wife is often seen as a symbol of the tribe's strength and unity. As such, she is accorded a great deal of authority by all members of the tribe.

The authority of the big chief wife is essential to her role. It allows her to lead effectively and to represent the tribe with dignity and honor.


The big chief wife is a highly influential figure in Native American society. Her influence is derived from her position as the primary wife of the chief, her leadership abilities, and her personal qualities.

  • Influence of Position

    As the primary wife of the chief, the big chief wife is a symbol of the tribe's strength and unity. She is accorded a great deal of respect and authority by all members of the tribe. This respect and authority give her a great deal of influence over the tribe's affairs.

  • Influence of Leadership

    The big chief wife is often a strong and capable leader. She is responsible for managing the chief's household, and she may also have a role in political and decision-making. Her leadership abilities give her a great deal of influence over the tribe's decisions and policies.

  • Influence of Personal Qualities

    The big chief wife is often a woman of great character. She is intelligent, compassionate, and generous. Her personal qualities give her a great deal of influence over the tribe's members. She is often looked up to as a role model and advisor.


The household is the central unit of social and economic life for Native Americans. It is typically composed of a nuclear family, which includes the husband, wife, and children. Extended family members, such as grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins, may also live in the household. The big chief wife is the head of the household and is responsible for its management.

  • Domestic Duties

    The big chief wife is responsible for the domestic duties of the household, such as cooking, cleaning, and childcare. She may also be responsible for gardening, sewing, and other crafts.

  • Economic Activities

    The big chief wife may also be involved in economic activities, such as farming, hunting, and trading. She may also manage the family's finances.

  • Childrearing

    The big chief wife is responsible for the upbringing of the children. She teaches them the tribe's traditions and values. She also prepares them for their future roles as adults.

  • Leadership

    The big chief wife is a leader in the household. She sets an example for the other members of the family and helps to maintain order and harmony.

The household is a critical part of Native American society. It is the place where children are raised, where food is produced, and where traditions are passed down. The big chief wife is the head of the household and plays a vital role in its success.


The big chief wife often plays a significant role in the political life of the tribe. She may be involved in decision-making, diplomacy, and the administration of justice.

  • Decision-Making

    The big chief wife may have a voice in the tribe's decision-making process. She may participate in councils, offer advice to the chief, and even veto his decisions in some cases.

  • Diplomacy

    The big chief wife may be involved in diplomatic relations with other tribes. She may help to negotiate treaties, resolve conflicts, and build alliances.

  • Administration of Justice

    The big chief wife may play a role in the administration of justice. She may help to resolve disputes, mediate conflicts, and ensure that the tribe's laws are upheld.

The political role of the big chief wife varies from tribe to tribe. In some tribes, she is a powerful figure with a great deal of influence. In other tribes, her role is more limited.


Decision-making is a critical aspect of the role of the big chief wife. As the primary wife of the chief, she is often involved in the tribe's decision-making process. She may participate in councils, offer advice to the chief, and even veto his decisions in some cases.

There are many reasons why the big chief wife is involved in decision-making. First, she is often the most knowledgeable person about the tribe's needs and concerns. She is in constant contact with the people of the tribe and is aware of their hopes and fears. Second, the big chief wife is a trusted advisor to the chief. He values her opinion and often seeks her advice before making important decisions. Third, the big chief wife is a symbol of the tribe's unity and strength. Her involvement in decision-making helps to ensure that the tribe's decisions are made in the best interests of all.

There are many examples of big chief wives who have played a significant role in decision-making. One example is Nancy Ward, the big chief wife of the Cherokee. Nancy Ward was a strong advocate for peace and diplomacy. She played a key role in negotiating the Treaty of Holston in 1791, which helped to end the Cherokee-American War. Another example is Pocahontas, the big chief wife of the Powhatan. Pocahontas played a vital role in the survival of the Jamestown colony. She helped to negotiate peace between the colonists and the Powhatan Confederacy.

The involvement of the big chief wife in decision-making is an important part of Native American culture. It ensures that the tribe's decisions are made in the best interests of all and that the tribe's unity and strength are maintained.


Spirituality is an important part of the role of the big chief wife. In many Native American cultures, the big chief wife is seen as a spiritual leader. She may be responsible for performing religious ceremonies, leading prayers, and interpreting dreams. She may also be a healer or a counselor.

There are many reasons why the big chief wife is often seen as a spiritual leader. First, she is often the most knowledgeable person about the tribe's spiritual traditions. She is the one who is responsible for passing down the tribe's stories and traditions to the next generation. Second, the big chief wife is often a very wise and compassionate person. She is able to provide guidance and support to the people of the tribe.

There are many examples of big chief wives who have been great spiritual leaders. One example is Nancy Ward, the big chief wife of the Cherokee. Nancy Ward was a strong advocate for peace and diplomacy. She was also a gifted healer and counselor. Another example is Pocahontas, the big chief wife of the Powhatan. Pocahontas was a skilled diplomat and negotiator. She was also a devout Christian and helped to spread Christianity to her people.

The spirituality of the big chief wife is an important part of Native American culture. It helps to connect the tribe to its past and to the spirit world. It also provides guidance and support to the people of the tribe.


The big chief wife is often seen as a symbol of the tribe's strength and unity. She is the wife of the chief, who is the leader of the tribe. As such, she represents the tribe's power and authority.

  • Authority

    The big chief wife is a symbol of the chief's authority. She is the one who manages the chief's household and ensures that his orders are carried out. She is also the one who represents the chief at public events and ceremonies.

  • Fertility

    The big chief wife is also a symbol of fertility. She is the one who bears the chief's children, who will one day lead the tribe. As such, she is seen as a source of strength and new life for the tribe.

  • Peace

    The big chief wife is often seen as a symbol of peace. She is the one who helps to resolve conflicts within the tribe and to maintain harmony. She is also the one who represents the tribe in negotiations with other tribes.

  • Prosperity

    The big chief wife is also a symbol of prosperity. She is the one who manages the tribe's resources and ensures that the tribe has everything it needs to survive and thrive. She is also the one who represents the tribe in trade negotiations with other tribes.

The big chief wife is a powerful symbol of the tribe's strength, unity, fertility, peace, and prosperity. She is a respected and admired figure who plays a vital role in the tribe's success.

FAQs About the Big Chief Wife

The big chief wife is a significant figure in Native American culture, with a multifaceted role that encompasses leadership, management, respect, authority, influence, household responsibilities, political involvement, decision-making, spirituality, and symbolism. Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about the big chief wife.

Question 1: What is the role of the big chief wife?

The big chief wife holds a position of great respect and authority within the tribe. She is responsible for managing the chief's household, which includes overseeing the other wives, children, and slaves. She may also have a role in political and decision-making, and in some cultures, she is considered a spiritual leader.

Question 2: What are the responsibilities of the big chief wife?

The responsibilities of the big chief wife vary depending on the tribe, but typically include managing the chief's household, overseeing the other wives and children, and ensuring that the chief and his family have everything they need. She may also have a role in managing the tribe's resources and overseeing community projects.

Question 3: What is the significance of the big chief wife?

The big chief wife is a symbol of the tribe's strength and unity. She is the wife of the chief, who is the leader of the tribe, and as such, she represents the tribe's power and authority. She is also a respected and admired figure who plays a vital role in the tribe's success.

Question 4: What are some examples of famous big chief wives?

Some famous big chief wives include Nancy Ward, the big chief wife of the Cherokee; Pocahontas, the big chief wife of the Powhatan; and Sacajawea, the big chief wife of the Shoshone.

Question 5: What is the spiritual role of the big chief wife?

In many Native American cultures, the big chief wife is seen as a spiritual leader. She may be responsible for performing religious ceremonies, leading prayers, and interpreting dreams. She may also be a healer or a counselor.

Question 6: What is the symbolic meaning of the big chief wife?

The big chief wife is often seen as a symbol of the tribe's strength, unity, fertility, peace, and prosperity. She is a respected and admired figure who plays a vital role in the tribe's success.

The big chief wife is an important figure in Native American culture, and her role is multifaceted and complex. She is a leader, a manager, a respected figure, and a symbol of the tribe's strength and unity.

Transition to the next article section:

Tips for the Big Chief Wife

The role of the big chief wife is a complex and demanding one. She must be a leader, a manager, and a respected figure. She must also be able to symbolize the tribe's strength and unity. Here are some tips for the big chief wife:

1. Be a strong leader. The big chief wife is the head of the chief's household and is responsible for managing the other wives, children, and slaves. She must be able to make decisions, solve problems, and motivate others to follow her.

2. Be a good manager. The big chief wife is responsible for managing the chief's household, which can be a complex and demanding task. She must be able to ensure that the household runs smoothly and that the chief and his family have everything they need.

3. Be a respected figure. The big chief wife is a role model for other women and a source of strength and stability for the community. She must be able to conduct herself with dignity and grace.

4. Be a symbol of the tribe's strength and unity. The big chief wife is a symbol of the tribe's strength and unity. She must be able to represent the tribe with honor and dignity.

5. Be a source of wisdom and guidance. The big chief wife is often called upon to provide wisdom and guidance to the chief and the tribe. She must be able to offer sound advice and help to resolve conflicts.

6. Be a compassionate and caring person. The big chief wife is a role model for other women and a source of strength and stability for the community. She must be able to show compassion and care for others.

7. Be a good listener. The big chief wife must be able to listen to the concerns of the people of the tribe and to offer sound advice. She must be able to build relationships and trust with the people she serves.

8. Be a peacemaker. The big chief wife is often called upon to resolve conflicts within the tribe. She must be able to mediate disputes and find solutions that are fair to all parties involved.

The big chief wife is a vital part of the Native American community. She is a leader, a manager, a respected figure, and a symbol of the tribe's strength and unity. By following these tips, the big chief wife can fulfill her role with honor and dignity.

Transition to the article's conclusion:

Conclusion on "Big Chief Wife"

The big chief wife is an important figure in Native American culture. She is a leader, a manager, a respected figure, and a symbol of the tribe's strength and unity. She plays a vital role in the success of the tribe, and her contributions should not be underestimated.

The big chief wife is a role model for other women and a source of strength and stability for the community. She is a symbol of the tribe's strength and unity, and she represents the tribe with honor and dignity. She is a valuable asset to the tribe, and her contributions are essential to its success.

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